We are VERY SERIOUS about protecting the privacy of our website visitors. We do not sell or give away your personal information to any one, for any reason. PERIOD!!

Our website or downloads do not place adware or any other intrusive programs, bots or software on your computer, nor do we track you in any other way. We do not know any personal information about who casually visits our website and we intend to keep it that way.

The information we collect in our server log files is used for internal operations of this website only and does not personally identify you. We absolutely do not share your information with anyone for any reason. PERIOD!

This policy has been developed with the understanding that the Internet is rapidly changing and evolving. These terms, conditions, guidelines and legal statements are subject change. Any changes will be posted on this page and are applicable to all users on the date they are posted. Policies of websites we link to may be different so please check their privacy policies if in doubt. The date of this current edition of our privacy policy is January 2024.

If you have any problems, questions, suggestions or comments please contact our Archivist by email at: pmason2765@gmail.com

We Answer ALL Inquiries ASAP!!

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